Team BadBirdies Founder



TofuWombat created Team BadBirdies in November 2008. He has a degree in computer science and a room full of spare computer parts, and he's not afraid to use them. So watch out.


Charter member



TofuTurkey has had a lifelong fascination with birds and bares the scars to prove it. She understands animals (*avoid the pointy bits*) better than computers (*pointy bits good? bad?*) and, with TofuWombat, enjoys sharing their home with two cats and a Gold-capped conure.


Charter member


Tofucivet, Tofubunny, Tofucino

This multi-specied team member was recruited at a friend's Christmas party a couple years ago, sometime after appetizers but before all the tuba playing. He runs a business focusing on the software end of all-things-computer and is a whiz at making crepes. (Picture Source: dannyboyster and Animal Photos. )

  Banjo wants you to join BadBirdies!


Your bio here! Whatever you want it to say. (Well, no dirty stuff, m'kay?) Join Team BadBirdies to contribute work to Stanford's Folding@home project and help us move up in the team rankings.